Source code for dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.validators

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"""Custom validators for ``attrs``.

.. warning::
    No guarantee is provided on the modules and APIs within this
    namespace staying consistent. Directly reference at your own risk.

__all__ = ("dictionary_validator", "iterable_validator")

[docs]def dictionary_validator(key_type, value_type): """Validator for ``attrs`` that performs deep type checking of dictionaries.""" def _validate_dictionary(instance, attribute, value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Validate that a dictionary is structured as expected. :raises TypeError: if ``value`` is not a dictionary :raises TypeError: if ``value`` keys are not all of ``key_type`` type :raises TypeError: if ``value`` values are not all of ``value_type`` type """ if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError('"{}" must be a dictionary'.format( for key, data in value.items(): if not isinstance(key, key_type): raise TypeError( '"{name}" dictionary keys must be of type "{type}"'.format(, type=key_type) ) if not isinstance(data, value_type): raise TypeError( '"{name}" dictionary values must be of type "{type}"'.format(, type=value_type) ) return _validate_dictionary
[docs]def iterable_validator(iterable_type, member_type): """Validator for ``attrs`` that performs deep type checking of iterables.""" def _validate_tuple(instance, attribute, value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Validate that a dictionary is structured as expected. :raises TypeError: if ``value`` is not of ``iterable_type`` type :raises TypeError: if ``value`` members are not all of ``member_type`` type """ if not isinstance(value, iterable_type): raise TypeError('"{name}" must be a {type}'.format(, type=iterable_type)) for member in value: if not isinstance(member, member_type): raise TypeError( '"{name}" members must all be of type "{type}"'.format(, type=member_type) ) return _validate_tuple
def callable_validator(instance, attribute, value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Validate that an attribute value is callable. :raises TypeError: if ``value`` is not callable """ if not callable(value): raise TypeError('"{name}" value "{value}" must be callable'.format(, value=value))