Source code for dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.identifiers

# Copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
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"""Unique identifiers for internal use only.

.. warning::
    No guarantee is provided on the modules and APIs within this
    namespace staying consistent. Directly reference at your own risk.
from enum import Enum

try:  # Python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 have incompatible typing modules
    from typing import Optional, Text  # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    # We only actually need these imports when running the mypy checks

__all__ = (

#: Encoding to use for all text values.
#: This is noted here for consistency but should not be changed.

[docs]class MinimumKeySizes(Enum): """Minimum safe key sizes for algorithms.""" RSA = 2048 HMAC = 128
[docs]class ReservedAttributes(Enum): """Item attributes reserved for use by DynamoDBEncryptionClient""" MATERIAL_DESCRIPTION = "*amzn-ddb-map-desc*" SIGNATURE = "*amzn-ddb-map-sig*"
[docs]class Tag(Enum): """Attribute data type identifiers used for serialization and deserialization of attributes.""" BINARY = (b"b", "B") BINARY_SET = (b"B", "BS", b"b") NUMBER = (b"n", "N") NUMBER_SET = (b"N", "NS", b"n") STRING = (b"s", "S") STRING_SET = (b"S", "SS", b"s") BOOLEAN = (b"?", "BOOL") NULL = (b"\x00", "NULL") LIST = (b"L", "L") MAP = (b"M", "M") def __init__(self, tag, dynamodb_tag, element_tag=None): # type: (bytes, Text, Optional[bytes]) -> None """Sets up new Tag object. :param bytes tag: DynamoDB Encryption SDK tag :param str dynamodb_tag: DynamoDB tag :param bytes element_tag: The type of tag contained within attributes of this type """ self.tag = tag self.dynamodb_tag = dynamodb_tag self.element_tag = element_tag
[docs]class TagValues(Enum): """Static values to use when serializing attribute values.""" FALSE = b"\x00" TRUE = b"\x01"
[docs]class SignatureValues(Enum): """Values used when building the string to sign. .. note:: The only time we actually use these values, we use the SHA256 hash of the value, so we pre-compute these hashes here. """ ENCRYPTED = ( b"ENCRYPTED", b"9A\x15\xacN\xb0\x9a\xa4\x94)4\x88\x16\xb2\x03\x81'\xb0\xf9\xe3\xa5 7*\xe1\x00\xca\x19\xfb\x08\xfdP", ) PLAINTEXT = ( b"PLAINTEXT", b"\xcb@\xe7\xda\xdc\x86\x16\x1b\x97\x98\xdeHQ/3-!\xc1A\xfc\xc1\xe2\x8a\x08o\xdeJ3u\xaa\xb1\xb5", ) def __init__(self, raw, sha256): # type: (bytes, bytes) -> None """Set up a new :class:`SignatureValues` object. :param bytes raw: Raw value :param bytes sha256: SHA256 hash of raw value """ self.raw = raw self.sha256 = sha256
[docs]class MaterialDescriptionKeys(Enum): """Static keys for use when building and reading material descriptions.""" ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTION_MODE = "amzn-ddb-map-sym-mode" SIGNING_KEY_ALGORITHM = "amzn-ddb-map-signingAlg" WRAPPED_DATA_KEY = "amzn-ddb-env-key" CONTENT_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM = "amzn-ddb-env-alg" CONTENT_KEY_WRAPPING_ALGORITHM = "amzn-ddb-wrap-alg" ITEM_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM = "amzn-ddb-sig-alg"
[docs]class MaterialDescriptionValues(Enum): """Static default values for use when building material descriptions.""" CBC_PKCS5_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTION = "/CBC/PKCS5Padding"