Source code for dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.formatting.material_description

# Copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
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"""Tools for serializing and deserializing material descriptions.

.. warning::
    No guarantee is provided on the modules and APIs within this
    namespace staying consistent. Directly reference at your own risk.
import io
import logging
import struct

from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.exceptions import InvalidMaterialDescriptionError, InvalidMaterialDescriptionVersionError
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.identifiers import LOGGER_NAME
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.identifiers import Tag
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.str_ops import to_bytes, to_str

from .deserialize import decode_value, unpack_value
from .serialize import encode_value

try:  # Python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 have incompatible typing modules
    from typing import Dict, Text  # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import

    from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal import dynamodb_types  # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    # We only actually need these imports when running the mypy checks

__all__ = ("serialize", "deserialize")
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)

[docs]def serialize(material_description): # type: (Dict[Text, Text]) -> dynamodb_types.BINARY_ATTRIBUTE """Serialize a material description dictionary into a DynamodDB attribute. :param dict material_description: Material description dictionary :returns: Serialized material description as a DynamoDB binary attribute value :rtype: dict :raises InvalidMaterialDescriptionError: if invalid name or value found in material description """ material_description_bytes = bytearray(_MATERIAL_DESCRIPTION_VERSION) for name, value in sorted(material_description.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): try: material_description_bytes.extend(encode_value(to_bytes(name))) material_description_bytes.extend(encode_value(to_bytes(value))) except (TypeError, struct.error): raise InvalidMaterialDescriptionError( 'Invalid name or value in material description: "{name}"="{value}"'.format(name=name, value=value) ) # for some reason pylint can't follow the Enum member attributes return {Tag.BINARY.dynamodb_tag: bytes(material_description_bytes)} # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs]def deserialize(serialized_material_description): # type: (dynamodb_types.BINARY_ATTRIBUTE) -> Dict[Text, Text] """Deserialize a serialized material description attribute into a material description dictionary. :param dict serialized_material_description: DynamoDB attribute value containing serialized material description. :returns: Material description dictionary :rtype: dict :raises InvalidMaterialDescriptionError: if malformed version :raises InvalidMaterialDescriptionVersionError: if unknown version is found """ try: # for some reason pylint can't follow the Enum member attributes _raw_material_description = serialized_material_description[ Tag.BINARY.dynamodb_tag # pylint: disable=no-member ] material_description_bytes = io.BytesIO(_raw_material_description) total_bytes = len(_raw_material_description) except (TypeError, KeyError): message = "Invalid material description" _LOGGER.exception(message) raise InvalidMaterialDescriptionError(message) # We don't currently do anything with the version, but do check to make sure it is the one we know about. _read_version(material_description_bytes) material_description = {} try: while material_description_bytes.tell() < total_bytes: name = to_str(decode_value(material_description_bytes)) value = to_str(decode_value(material_description_bytes)) material_description[name] = value except struct.error: message = "Invalid material description" _LOGGER.exception(message) raise InvalidMaterialDescriptionError(message) return material_description
def _read_version(material_description_bytes): # type: (io.BytesIO) -> None """Read the version from the serialized material description and raise an error if it is unknown. :param material_description_bytes: serializezd material description :type material_description_bytes: io.BytesIO :raises InvalidMaterialDescriptionError: if malformed version :raises InvalidMaterialDescriptionVersionError: if unknown version is found """ try: (version,) = unpack_value(">4s", material_description_bytes) except struct.error: message = "Malformed material description version" _LOGGER.exception(message) raise InvalidMaterialDescriptionError(message) if version != _MATERIAL_DESCRIPTION_VERSION: raise InvalidMaterialDescriptionVersionError("Invalid material description version: {}".format(repr(version)))