Source code for dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.formatting.deserialize.attribute

# Copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
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"""Tooling for deserializing attributes.

.. warning::
    No guarantee is provided on the modules and APIs within this
    namespace staying consistent. Directly reference at your own risk.
import codecs
import io
import logging
import struct
from decimal import Decimal

from boto3.dynamodb.types import Binary

from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.exceptions import DeserializationError
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.identifiers import LOGGER_NAME
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.formatting.deserialize import decode_byte, decode_length, decode_tag, decode_value
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.identifiers import TEXT_ENCODING, Tag, TagValues
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.str_ops import to_str

try:  # Python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 have incompatible typing modules
    from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Text, Union  # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import

    from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal import dynamodb_types  # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import,ungrouped-imports
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    # We only actually need these imports when running the mypy checks

__all__ = ("deserialize_attribute",)
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)

[docs]def deserialize_attribute(serialized_attribute): # noqa: C901 pylint: disable=too-many-locals # type: (bytes) -> dynamodb_types.RAW_ATTRIBUTE """Deserializes serialized attributes for decryption. :param bytes serialized_attribute: Serialized attribute bytes :returns: Deserialized attribute :rtype: dict """ def _transform_binary_value(value): # (bytes) -> bytes """Transforms a serialized binary value. :param bytes value: Raw deserialized value :rtype: bytes """ if isinstance(value, Binary): return value.value return value def _deserialize_binary(stream): # type: (io.BytesIO) -> Dict[Text, bytes] # pylint: disable=no-member # for some reason pylint can't follow the Enum member attributes """Deserializes a binary object. :param stream: Stream containing serialized object :type stream: io.BytesIO :rtype: dict """ value = decode_value(stream) return {Tag.BINARY.dynamodb_tag: _transform_binary_value(value)} def _transform_string_value(value): # (bytes) -> dynamodb_types.STRING """Transforms a serialized string value. :param bytes value: Raw deserialized value :rtype: dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.dynamodb_types.STRING """ return codecs.decode(value, TEXT_ENCODING) def _deserialize_string(stream): # type: (io.BytesIO) -> Dict[Text, dynamodb_types.STRING] # pylint: disable=no-member # for some reason pylint can't follow the Enum member attributes """Deserializes a string object. :param stream: Stream containing serialized object :type stream: io.BytesIO :rtype: dict """ value = decode_value(stream) return {Tag.STRING.dynamodb_tag: _transform_string_value(value)} def _transform_number_value(value): # (bytes) -> dynamodb_types.STRING """Transforms a serialized number value. :param bytes value: Raw deserialized value :rtype: dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.dynamodb_types.STRING """ raw_value = codecs.decode(value, TEXT_ENCODING) decimal_value = Decimal(to_str(raw_value)).normalize() return "{0:f}".format(decimal_value) def _deserialize_number(stream): # type: (io.BytesIO) -> Dict[Text, dynamodb_types.STRING] # pylint: disable=no-member # for some reason pylint can't follow the Enum member attributes """Deserializes a number object. :param stream: Stream containing serialized object :type stream: io.BytesIO :rtype: dict """ value = decode_value(stream) return {Tag.NUMBER.dynamodb_tag: _transform_number_value(value)} _boolean_map = {TagValues.FALSE.value: False, TagValues.TRUE.value: True} def _deserialize_boolean(stream): # type: (io.BytesIO) -> Dict[Text, dynamodb_types.BOOLEAN] # pylint: disable=no-member # for some reason pylint can't follow the Enum member attributes """Deserializes a boolean object. :param stream: Stream containing serialized object :type stream: io.BytesIO :rtype: dict """ value = decode_byte(stream) return {Tag.BOOLEAN.dynamodb_tag: _boolean_map[value]} def _deserialize_null(stream): # we want a consistent API but don't use stream, so pylint: disable=unused-argument # type: (io.BytesIO) -> Dict[Text, dynamodb_types.BOOLEAN] # pylint: disable=no-member # for some reason pylint can't follow the Enum member attributes """Deserializes a null object. :param stream: Stream containing serialized object :type stream: io.BytesIO :rtype: dict """ return {Tag.NULL.dynamodb_tag: True} def _deserialize_set(stream, member_transform): # type: (io.BytesIO, Callable) -> List[Union[dynamodb_types.BINARY, dynamodb_types.STRING]] """Deserializes contents of serialized set. :param stream: Stream containing serialized object :type stream: io.BytesIO :rtype: list """ member_count = decode_length(stream) return sorted([member_transform(decode_value(stream)) for _ in range(member_count)]) def _deserialize_binary_set(stream): # type: (io.BytesIO) -> Dict[Text, dynamodb_types.SET[dynamodb_types.BINARY]] # pylint: disable=no-member # for some reason pylint can't follow the Enum member attributes """Deserializes a binary set object. :param stream: Stream containing serialized object :type stream: io.BytesIO :rtype: dict """ return {Tag.BINARY_SET.dynamodb_tag: _deserialize_set(stream, _transform_binary_value)} def _deserialize_string_set(stream): # type: (io.BytesIO) -> Dict[Text, dynamodb_types.SET[dynamodb_types.STRING]] # pylint: disable=no-member # for some reason pylint can't follow the Enum member attributes """Deserializes a string set object. :param stream: Stream containing serialized object :type stream: io.BytesIO :rtype: dict """ return {Tag.STRING_SET.dynamodb_tag: _deserialize_set(stream, _transform_string_value)} def _deserialize_number_set(stream): # type: (io.BytesIO) -> Dict[Text, dynamodb_types.SET[dynamodb_types.STRING]] # pylint: disable=no-member # for some reason pylint can't follow the Enum member attributes """Deserializes a number set object. :param stream: Stream containing serialized object :type stream: io.BytesIO :rtype: dict """ return {Tag.NUMBER_SET.dynamodb_tag: _deserialize_set(stream, _transform_number_value)} def _deserialize_list(stream): # type: (io.BytesIO) -> Dict[Text, dynamodb_types.LIST] # pylint: disable=no-member # for some reason pylint can't follow the Enum member attributes """Deserializes a list object. :param stream: Stream containing serialized object :type stream: io.BytesIO :rtype: dict """ member_count = decode_length(stream) return {Tag.LIST.dynamodb_tag: [_deserialize(stream) for _ in range(member_count)]} def _deserialize_map(stream): # type: (io.BytesIO) -> Dict[Text, dynamodb_types.MAP] """Deserializes a map object. :param stream: Stream containing serialized object :type stream: io.BytesIO :rtype: dict """ # for some reason pylint can't follow the Enum member attributes member_count = decode_length(stream) members = {} # type: dynamodb_types.MAP for _ in range(member_count): key = _deserialize(stream) if Tag.STRING.dynamodb_tag not in key: # pylint: disable=no-member raise DeserializationError( 'Malformed serialized map: found "{}" as map key.'.format(list(key.keys())[0]) ) value = _deserialize(stream) members[key[Tag.STRING.dynamodb_tag]] = value # pylint: disable=no-member return {Tag.MAP.dynamodb_tag: members} # pylint: disable=no-member def _deserialize_function(tag): # type: (bytes) -> Callable """Identifies the correct deserialization function based on the provided tag. :param tag: Identifying tag, read from start of serialized object :type tag: dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.identifiers.Tag :rtype: callable """ # for some reason pylint can't follow the Enum member attributes deserialize_functions = { Tag.BINARY.tag: _deserialize_binary, # pylint: disable=no-member Tag.BINARY_SET.tag: _deserialize_binary_set, # pylint: disable=no-member Tag.NUMBER.tag: _deserialize_number, # pylint: disable=no-member Tag.NUMBER_SET.tag: _deserialize_number_set, # pylint: disable=no-member Tag.STRING.tag: _deserialize_string, # pylint: disable=no-member Tag.STRING_SET.tag: _deserialize_string_set, # pylint: disable=no-member Tag.BOOLEAN.tag: _deserialize_boolean, # pylint: disable=no-member Tag.NULL.tag: _deserialize_null, # pylint: disable=no-member Tag.LIST.tag: _deserialize_list, # pylint: disable=no-member Tag.MAP.tag: _deserialize_map, # pylint: disable=no-member } try: return deserialize_functions[tag] except KeyError: raise DeserializationError('Unsupported tag: "{}"'.format(tag)) def _deserialize(stream): # type: (io.BytesIO) -> Dict[Text, dynamodb_types.RAW_ATTRIBUTE] """Deserializes a serialized object. :param stream: Stream containing serialized object :type stream: io.BytesIO :rtype: dict """ try: tag = decode_tag(stream) return _deserialize_function(tag)(stream) except struct.error: raise DeserializationError("Malformed serialized data") if not serialized_attribute: raise DeserializationError("Empty serialized attribute data") stream = io.BytesIO(serialized_attribute) return _deserialize(stream)