Source code for dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.crypto.jce_bridge.authentication

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
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"""Cryptographic authentication resources for JCE bridge.

.. warning::
    No guarantee is provided on the modules and APIs within this
    namespace staying consistent. Directly reference at your own risk.
import abc
import logging

import attr
import six
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, hmac
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding, rsa

from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.exceptions import InvalidAlgorithmError, SignatureVerificationError, SigningError
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.identifiers import LOGGER_NAME, EncryptionKeyType, KeyEncodingType
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.identifiers import MinimumKeySizes
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.validators import callable_validator

from .primitives import load_rsa_key

try:  # Python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 have incompatible typing modules
    from typing import Any, Callable, Text  # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    # We only actually need these imports when running the mypy checks

__all__ = ("JavaAuthenticator", "JavaMac", "JavaSignature", "JAVA_AUTHENTICATOR")
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class JavaAuthenticator(object): """Parent class for all Java bridges that provide authentication characteristics."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def load_key(self, key, key_type, key_encoding): # (bytes, EncryptionKeyType, KeyEncodingType) -> Any # narrow down the output type # """Load a key from bytes. :param bytes key: Raw key bytes to load :param EncryptionKeyType key_type: Type of key to load :param KeyEncodingType key_encoding: Encoding used to serialize ``key`` :returns: Loaded key :rtype: bytes """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def validate_algorithm(self, algorithm): # type: (Text) -> None """Determine whether the requested algorithm name is compatible with this authenticator. :param str algorithm: Algorithm name :raises InvalidAlgorithmError: if specified algorithm name is not compatible with this authenticator """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def sign(self, key, data): # type: (Any, bytes) -> bytes """Sign ``data`` using loaded ``key``. :param key: Loaded key :param bytes data: Data to sign :returns: Calculated signature :rtype: bytes :raises SigningError: if unable to sign ``data`` with ``key`` """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def verify(self, key, signature, data): # type: (Any, bytes, bytes) -> None """Verify ``signature`` over ``data`` using ``key``. :param key: Loaded key :param bytes signature: Signature to verify :param bytes data: Data over which to verify signature :raises SignatureVerificationError: if unable to verify ``signature`` """
[docs]@attr.s(init=False) class JavaMac(JavaAuthenticator): """Symmetric MAC authenticators. """ java_name = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(six.string_types)) algorithm_type = attr.ib(validator=callable_validator) hash_type = attr.ib(validator=callable_validator) def __init__(self, java_name, algorithm_type, hash_type): # noqa=D107 # type: (Text, Callable, Callable) -> None # Workaround pending resolution of attrs/mypy interaction. # # self.java_name = java_name self.algorithm_type = algorithm_type self.hash_type = hash_type attr.validate(self) def _build_hmac_signer(self, key): # type: (bytes) -> Any """Build HMAC signer using instance algorithm and hash type and ``key``. :param bytes key: Key to use in signer """ return self.algorithm_type(key, self.hash_type(), backend=default_backend())
[docs] def load_key(self, key, key_type, key_encoding): # (bytes, EncryptionKeyType, KeyEncodingType) -> bytes """Load a raw key from bytes. :param bytes key: Raw key bytes to load :param EncryptionKeyType key_type: Type of key to load :param KeyEncodingType key_encoding: Encoding used to serialize ``key`` :returns: Loaded key :rtype: bytes :raises ValueError: if ``key_type`` is not symmetric or ``key_encoding`` is not raw """ if not (key_type is EncryptionKeyType.SYMMETRIC and key_encoding is KeyEncodingType.RAW): raise ValueError("Key type must be symmetric and encoding must be raw.") if len(key) * 8 < MinimumKeySizes.HMAC.value: _LOGGER.warning("HMAC keys smaller than %d bits are unsafe", MinimumKeySizes.HMAC.value) return key
[docs] def validate_algorithm(self, algorithm): # type: (Text) -> None """Determine whether the requested algorithm name is compatible with this authenticator. :param str algorithm: Algorithm name :raises InvalidAlgorithmError: if specified algorithm name is not compatible with this authenticator """ if not algorithm.startswith(self.java_name): raise InvalidAlgorithmError( 'Requested algorithm "{requested}" is not compatible with signature "{actual}"'.format( requested=algorithm, actual=self.java_name ) )
[docs] def sign(self, key, data): # type: (bytes, bytes) -> bytes """Sign ``data`` using loaded ``key``. :param bytes key: Loaded key :param bytes data: Data to sign :returns: Calculated signature :rtype: bytes :raises SigningError: if unable to sign ``data`` with ``key`` """ try: signer = self._build_hmac_signer(key) signer.update(data) return signer.finalize() except Exception: message = "Unable to sign data" _LOGGER.exception(message) raise SigningError(message)
[docs] def verify(self, key, signature, data): # type: (bytes, bytes, bytes) -> None """Verify ``signature`` over ``data`` using ``key``. :param bytes key: Loaded key :param bytes signature: Signature to verify :param bytes data: Data over which to verify signature :raises SignatureVerificationError: if unable to verify ``signature`` """ try: verifier = self._build_hmac_signer(key) verifier.update(data) verifier.verify(signature) except Exception: message = "Unable to verify signature" _LOGGER.exception(message) raise SignatureVerificationError(message)
[docs]@attr.s(init=False) class JavaSignature(JavaAuthenticator): """Asymmetric signature authenticators. """ java_name = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(six.string_types)) algorithm_type = attr.ib() hash_type = attr.ib(validator=callable_validator) padding_type = attr.ib(validator=callable_validator) def __init__(self, java_name, algorithm_type, hash_type, padding_type): # noqa=D107 # type: (Text, Any, Callable, Callable) -> None # Workaround pending resolution of attrs/mypy interaction. # # self.java_name = java_name self.algorithm_type = algorithm_type self.hash_type = hash_type self.padding_type = padding_type attr.validate(self)
[docs] def validate_algorithm(self, algorithm): # type: (Text) -> None """Determine whether the requested algorithm name is compatible with this authenticator. :param str algorithm: Algorithm name :raises InvalidAlgorithmError: if specified algorithm name is not compatible with this authenticator """ if not algorithm.endswith(self.java_name): raise InvalidAlgorithmError( 'Requested algorithm "{requested}" is not compatible with signature "{actual}"'.format( requested=algorithm, actual=self.java_name ) )
[docs] def load_key(self, key, key_type, key_encoding): # (bytes, EncryptionKeyType, KeyEncodingType) -> Any # narrow down the output type # """Load a key object from the provided raw key bytes. :param bytes key: Raw key bytes to load :param EncryptionKeyType key_type: Type of key to load :param KeyEncodingType key_encoding: Encoding used to serialize ``key`` :returns: Loaded key :raises ValueError: if ``key_type`` and ``key_encoding`` are not a valid pairing """ return load_rsa_key(key, key_type, key_encoding)
[docs] def sign(self, key, data): # type: (Any, bytes) -> bytes # narrow down the key type # """Sign ``data`` using loaded ``key``. :param key: Loaded key :param bytes data: Data to sign :returns: Calculated signature :rtype: bytes :raises SigningError: if unable to sign ``data`` with ``key`` """ if hasattr(key, "public_bytes"): raise SigningError('"sign" is not supported by public keys') try: return key.sign(data, self.padding_type(), self.hash_type()) except Exception: message = "Unable to sign data" _LOGGER.exception(message) raise SigningError(message)
[docs] def verify(self, key, signature, data): # type: (Any, bytes, bytes) -> None # narrow down the key type # """Verify ``signature`` over ``data`` using ``key``. :param key: Loaded key :param bytes signature: Signature to verify :param bytes data: Data over which to verify signature :raises SignatureVerificationError: if unable to verify ``signature`` """ if hasattr(key, "private_bytes"): _key = key.public_key() else: _key = key try: _key.verify(signature, data, self.padding_type(), self.hash_type()) except Exception: message = "Unable to verify signature" _LOGGER.exception(message) raise SignatureVerificationError(message)
# Additional possible JCE names that we might support in the future if needed # HmacSHA1 # SHA(1|224|256|384|512)with(|EC)DSA # If this changes, remember to update the JceNameLocalDelegatedKey docs. JAVA_AUTHENTICATOR = { "HmacSHA224": JavaMac("HmacSHA224", hmac.HMAC, hashes.SHA224), "HmacSHA256": JavaMac("HmacSHA256", hmac.HMAC, hashes.SHA256), "HmacSHA384": JavaMac("HmacSHA384", hmac.HMAC, hashes.SHA384), "HmacSHA512": JavaMac("HmacSHA512", hmac.HMAC, hashes.SHA512), "SHA224withRSA": JavaSignature("SHA224withRSA", rsa, hashes.SHA224, padding.PKCS1v15), "SHA256withRSA": JavaSignature("SHA256withRSA", rsa, hashes.SHA256, padding.PKCS1v15), "SHA384withRSA": JavaSignature("SHA384withRSA", rsa, hashes.SHA384, padding.PKCS1v15), "SHA512withRSA": JavaSignature("SHA512withRSA", rsa, hashes.SHA512, padding.PKCS1v15), }