
Otherwise undifferentiated utility resources.


No guarantee is provided on the modules and APIs within this namespace staying consistent. Directly reference at your own risk.


crypto_config_from_cache(materials_provider, ...)

Build a crypto config from the provided values, loading the table info from the provided cache.

crypto_config_from_kwargs(fallback, **kwargs)

Pull all encryption-specific parameters from the request and use them to build a crypto config.


Build a crypto config from the provided values and table info.

decrypt_batch_get_item(decrypt_method, ...)

Transparently decrypt multiple items after getting them in a batch request.

decrypt_get_item(decrypt_method, ...)

Transparently decrypt an item after getting it from the table.

decrypt_list_of_items(crypto_config, ...)

Iterate through a list of encrypted items, decrypting each item and yielding the plaintext item.

decrypt_multi_get(decrypt_method, ...)

Transparently decrypt multiple items after getting them from the table with a scan or query method.

encrypt_batch_write_item(encrypt_method, ...)

Transparently encrypt multiple items before putting them in a batch request.

encrypt_put_item(encrypt_method, ...)

Transparently encrypt an item before putting it to the table.


Verify that attribute filtering parameters are not found in the request.


TableInfoCache(client, ...)

Very simple cache of TableInfo objects, providing configuration information about DynamoDB tables.

class dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.utils.TableInfoCache(client: botocore.client.BaseClient, auto_refresh_table_indexes: bool)[source]

Bases: object

Very simple cache of TableInfo objects, providing configuration information about DynamoDB tables.

  • client (botocore.client.BaseClient) – Boto3 DynamoDB client

  • auto_refresh_table_indexes (bool) – Should we attempt to refresh information about table indexes? Requires dynamodb:DescribeTable permissions on each table.


Collect a TableInfo object for the specified table, creating and adding it to the cache if not already present.


table_name (str) – Name of table


TableInfo describing the requested table

Return type


dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.utils.crypto_config_from_kwargs(fallback, **kwargs)[source]

Pull all encryption-specific parameters from the request and use them to build a crypto config.


crypto config and updated kwargs

Return type

dynamodb_encryption_sdk.encrypted.CryptoConfig and dict

dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.utils.crypto_config_from_table_info(materials_provider, attribute_actions, table_info)[source]

Build a crypto config from the provided values and table info.


crypto config and updated kwargs

Return type

tuple(CryptoConfig, dict)

dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.utils.crypto_config_from_cache(materials_provider, attribute_actions, table_info_cache, table_name)[source]

Build a crypto config from the provided values, loading the table info from the provided cache.


crypto config and updated kwargs

Return type

tuple(CryptoConfig, dict)

dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.utils.decrypt_get_item(decrypt_method: Callable, crypto_config_method: Callable, read_method: Callable, **kwargs: Any) Dict[source]

Transparently decrypt an item after getting it from the table.

  • decrypt_method (callable) – Method to use to decrypt item

  • crypto_config_method (callable) – Method that accepts kwargs and provides a CryptoConfig

  • read_method (callable) – Method that reads from the table

  • **kwargs

    Keyword arguments to pass to read_method


DynamoDB response

Return type


dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.utils.decrypt_multi_get(decrypt_method: Callable, crypto_config_method: Callable, read_method: Callable, **kwargs: Any) Dict[source]

Transparently decrypt multiple items after getting them from the table with a scan or query method.

  • decrypt_method (callable) – Method to use to decrypt items

  • crypto_config_method (callable) – Method that accepts kwargs and provides a CryptoConfig

  • read_method (callable) – Method that reads from the table

  • **kwargs

    Keyword arguments to pass to read_method


DynamoDB response

Return type


dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.utils.decrypt_list_of_items(crypto_config: CryptoConfig, decrypt_method: Callable, items: Iterable[Any]) Iterable[Any][source]

Iterate through a list of encrypted items, decrypting each item and yielding the plaintext item.

  • crypto_config (CryptoConfig) – CryptoConfig to use

  • decrypt_method (callable) – Method to use to decrypt items

  • items – Iterable of encrypted items


Iterable of plaintext items

dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.utils.decrypt_batch_get_item(decrypt_method: Callable, crypto_config_method: Callable, read_method: Callable, **kwargs: Any) Dict[source]

Transparently decrypt multiple items after getting them in a batch request.

  • decrypt_method (callable) – Method to use to decrypt items

  • crypto_config_method (callable) – Method that accepts kwargs and provides a CryptoConfig

  • read_method (callable) – Method that reads from the table

  • **kwargs

    Keyword arguments to pass to read_method


DynamoDB response

Return type


dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.utils.encrypt_put_item(encrypt_method: Callable, crypto_config_method: Callable, write_method: Callable, **kwargs: Any) Dict[source]

Transparently encrypt an item before putting it to the table.

  • encrypt_method (callable) – Method to use to encrypt items

  • crypto_config_method (callable) – Method that accepts kwargs and provides a CryptoConfig

  • write_method (callable) – Method that writes to the table

  • **kwargs

    Keyword arguments to pass to write_method


DynamoDB response

Return type


dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.utils.encrypt_batch_write_item(encrypt_method: Callable, crypto_config_method: Callable, write_method: Callable, **kwargs: Any) Dict[source]

Transparently encrypt multiple items before putting them in a batch request.

  • encrypt_method (callable) – Method to use to encrypt items

  • crypto_config_method (callable) – Method that accepts a table name string and provides a CryptoConfig

  • write_method (callable) – Method that writes to the table

  • **kwargs

    Keyword arguments to pass to write_method


DynamoDB response

Return type


dynamodb_encryption_sdk.internal.utils.validate_get_arguments(kwargs: Dict[Text, Any]) None[source]

Verify that attribute filtering parameters are not found in the request.


InvalidArgumentError – if banned parameters are found