Source code for

# Copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
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"""Meta cryptographic provider store."""
import logging
from enum import Enum

import attr
import botocore
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Attr, Key
from boto3.dynamodb.types import Binary
from boto3.resources.base import ServiceResource

from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.delegated_keys.jce import JceNameLocalDelegatedKey
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.encrypted.table import EncryptedTable
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.exceptions import InvalidVersionError, NoKnownVersionError, VersionAlreadyExistsError
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.identifiers import LOGGER_NAME, EncryptionKeyType, KeyEncodingType
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.material_providers import CryptographicMaterialsProvider
from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.material_providers.wrapped import WrappedCryptographicMaterialsProvider

from . import ProviderStore

try:  # Python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 have incompatible typing modules
    from typing import Dict, Optional, Text, Tuple  # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    # We only actually need these imports when running the mypy checks

__all__ = ("MetaStore",)
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)

class MetaStoreAttributeNames(Enum):
    """Names of attributes in the MetaStore table."""

    SORT = "V"
    INTEGRITY_KEY = "int"
    ENCRYPTION_KEY = "enc"

class MetaStoreValues(Enum):
    """Static values for use by MetaStore."""

    KEY_BITS = 256

#: Field in material description to use for the MetaStore material name and version.

[docs]@attr.s(init=False) class MetaStore(ProviderStore): """Create and retrieve wrapped cryptographic materials providers, storing their cryptographic materials using the provided encrypted table. :param table: Pre-configured boto3 DynamoDB Table object :type table: boto3.resources.base.ServiceResource :param CryptographicMaterialsProvider materials_provider: Cryptographic materials provider to use """ _table = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(ServiceResource)) _materials_provider = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(CryptographicMaterialsProvider)) def __init__(self, table, materials_provider): # noqa=D107 # type: (ServiceResource, CryptographicMaterialsProvider) -> None # Workaround pending resolution of attrs/mypy interaction. # # self._table = table self._materials_provider = materials_provider attr.validate(self) self.__attrs_post_init__() def __attrs_post_init__(self): # type: () -> None """Prepare the encrypted table resource from the provided table and materials provider.""" self._encrypted_table = EncryptedTable( # attrs confuses pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init table=self._table, materials_provider=self._materials_provider )
[docs] @classmethod def create_table(cls, client, table_name, read_units, write_units): # type: (botocore.client.BaseClient, Text, int, int) -> None """Create the table for this MetaStore. :param table: Pre-configured boto3 DynamoDB client object :type table: boto3.resources.base.BaseClient :param str table_name: Name of table to create :param int read_units: Read capacity units to provision :param int write_units: Write capacity units to provision """ _LOGGER.debug("Creating MetaStore table") try: client.create_table( TableName=table_name, AttributeDefinitions=[ {"AttributeName": MetaStoreAttributeNames.PARTITION.value, "AttributeType": "S"}, {"AttributeName": MetaStoreAttributeNames.SORT.value, "AttributeType": "N"}, ], KeySchema=[ {"AttributeName": MetaStoreAttributeNames.PARTITION.value, "KeyType": "HASH"}, {"AttributeName": MetaStoreAttributeNames.SORT.value, "KeyType": "RANGE"}, ], ProvisionedThroughput={"ReadCapacityUnits": read_units, "WriteCapacityUnits": write_units}, ) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as exc: raise Exception("Could not create table", exc)
def _load_materials(self, material_name, version): # type: (Text, int) -> Tuple[JceNameLocalDelegatedKey, JceNameLocalDelegatedKey] """Load materials from table. :returns: Materials loaded into delegated keys :rtype: tuple(JceNameLocalDelegatedKey) """ _LOGGER.debug('Loading material "%s" version %d from MetaStore table', material_name, version) key = {MetaStoreAttributeNames.PARTITION.value: material_name, MetaStoreAttributeNames.SORT.value: version} response = self._encrypted_table.get_item(Key=key) try: item = response["Item"] except KeyError: raise InvalidVersionError('Version not found: "{}#{}"'.format(material_name, version)) try: encryption_key_kwargs = dict( key=item[MetaStoreAttributeNames.ENCRYPTION_KEY.value].value, algorithm=item[MetaStoreAttributeNames.ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM.value], key_type=EncryptionKeyType.SYMMETRIC, key_encoding=KeyEncodingType.RAW, ) signing_key_kwargs = dict( key=item[MetaStoreAttributeNames.INTEGRITY_KEY.value].value, algorithm=item[MetaStoreAttributeNames.INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM.value], key_type=EncryptionKeyType.SYMMETRIC, key_encoding=KeyEncodingType.RAW, ) except KeyError: raise Exception("Invalid record") # need to handle if the material type version is not in the item # if item[MetaStoreAttributeNames.MATERIAL_TYPE_VERSION.value] != MetaStoreValues.MATERIAL_TYPE_VERSION.value: raise InvalidVersionError( 'Unsupported material type: "{}"'.format(item[MetaStoreAttributeNames.MATERIAL_TYPE_VERSION.value]) ) encryption_key = JceNameLocalDelegatedKey(**encryption_key_kwargs) signing_key = JceNameLocalDelegatedKey(**signing_key_kwargs) return encryption_key, signing_key def _save_materials(self, material_name, version, encryption_key, signing_key): # type: (Text, int, JceNameLocalDelegatedKey, JceNameLocalDelegatedKey) -> None """Save materials to the table, raising an error if the version already exists. :param str material_name: Material to locate :param int version: Version of material to locate :raises VersionAlreadyExistsError: if the specified version already exists """ _LOGGER.debug('Saving material "%s" version %d to MetaStore table', material_name, version) item = { MetaStoreAttributeNames.PARTITION.value: material_name, MetaStoreAttributeNames.SORT.value: version, MetaStoreAttributeNames.MATERIAL_TYPE_VERSION.value: MetaStoreValues.MATERIAL_TYPE_VERSION.value, MetaStoreAttributeNames.ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM.value: encryption_key.algorithm, MetaStoreAttributeNames.ENCRYPTION_KEY.value: Binary(encryption_key.key), MetaStoreAttributeNames.INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM.value: signing_key.algorithm, MetaStoreAttributeNames.INTEGRITY_KEY.value: Binary(signing_key.key), } try: self._encrypted_table.put_item( Item=item, ConditionExpression=( Attr(MetaStoreAttributeNames.PARTITION.value).not_exists() & Attr(MetaStoreAttributeNames.SORT.value).not_exists() ), ) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error: if error.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ConditionalCheckFailedException": raise VersionAlreadyExistsError('Version already exists: "{}#{}"'.format(material_name, version)) def _save_or_load_materials( self, material_name, # type: Text version, # type: int encryption_key, # type: JceNameLocalDelegatedKey signing_key, # type: JceNameLocalDelegatedKey ): # type: (...) -> Tuple[JceNameLocalDelegatedKey, JceNameLocalDelegatedKey] """Attempt to save the materials to the table. If the specified version already exists, the existing materials will be loaded from the table and returned. Otherwise, the provided materials will be returned. :param str material_name: Material to locate :param int version: Version of material to locate :param JceNameLocalDelegatedKey encryption_key: Loaded encryption key :param JceNameLocalDelegatedKey signing_key: Loaded signing key """ try: self._save_materials(material_name, version, encryption_key, signing_key) return encryption_key, signing_key except VersionAlreadyExistsError: return self._load_materials(material_name, version) @staticmethod def _material_description(material_name, version): # type: (Text, int) -> Dict[Text, Text] """Build a material description from a material name and version. :param str material_name: Material to locate :param int version: Version of material to locate """ return {_MATERIAL_DESCRIPTION_META_FIELD: "{name}#{version}".format(name=material_name, version=version)} def _load_provider_from_table(self, material_name, version): # type: (Text, int) -> CryptographicMaterialsProvider """Load a provider from the table. If the requested version does not exist, an error will be raised. :param str material_name: Material to locate :param int version: Version of material to locate """ encryption_key, signing_key = self._load_materials(material_name, version) return WrappedCryptographicMaterialsProvider( signing_key=signing_key, wrapping_key=encryption_key, unwrapping_key=encryption_key, material_description=self._material_description(material_name, version), )
[docs] def get_or_create_provider(self, material_name, version): # type: (Text, int) -> CryptographicMaterialsProvider """Obtain a cryptographic materials provider identified by a name and version. If the requested version does not exist, a new one will be created. :param str material_name: Material to locate :param int version: Version of material to locate :returns: cryptographic materials provider :rtype: CryptographicMaterialsProvider :raises InvalidVersionError: if the requested version is not available and cannot be created """ encryption_key = JceNameLocalDelegatedKey.generate( MetaStoreValues.ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM.value, MetaStoreValues.KEY_BITS.value ) signing_key = JceNameLocalDelegatedKey.generate( MetaStoreValues.INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM.value, MetaStoreValues.KEY_BITS.value ) encryption_key, signing_key = self._save_or_load_materials(material_name, version, encryption_key, signing_key) return WrappedCryptographicMaterialsProvider( signing_key=signing_key, wrapping_key=encryption_key, unwrapping_key=encryption_key, material_description=self._material_description(material_name, version), )
[docs] def provider(self, material_name, version=None): # type: (Text, Optional[int]) -> CryptographicMaterialsProvider """Obtain a cryptographic materials provider identified by a name and version. If the version is provided, an error will be raised if that version is not found. If the version is not provided, the maximum version will be used. :param str material_name: Material to locate :param int version: Version of material to locate (optional) :returns: cryptographic materials provider :rtype: CryptographicMaterialsProvider :raises InvalidVersionError: if the requested version is not found """ if version is not None: return self._load_provider_from_table(material_name, version) return super(MetaStore, self).provider(material_name, version)
[docs] def version_from_material_description(self, material_description): # (Dict[Text, Text]) -> int """Determine the version from the provided material description. :param dict material_description: Material description to use with this request :returns: version to use :rtype: int """ try: info = material_description[_MATERIAL_DESCRIPTION_META_FIELD] except KeyError: raise Exception("No info found") try: return int(info.split("#", 1)[1]) except (IndexError, ValueError): raise Exception("Malformed info")
[docs] def max_version(self, material_name): # (Text) -> int """Find the maximum known version of the specified material. :param str material_name: Material to locate :returns: Maximum known version :rtype: int :raises NoKnownVersion: if no version can be found """ response = self._encrypted_table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key(MetaStoreAttributeNames.PARTITION.value).eq(material_name), ScanIndexForward=False, Limit=1, ) if not response["Items"]: raise NoKnownVersionError('No known version for name: "{}"'.format(material_name)) return int(response["Items"][0][MetaStoreAttributeNames.SORT.value])